Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 22 of 34 bytes in variable_initialize() (line 1202 of /srv/users/sargento-drupal/apps/sargento-drupal/public/includes/
Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 70 of 138 bytes in variable_initialize() (line 1202 of /srv/users/sargento-drupal/apps/sargento-drupal/public/includes/
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Cookie Notice


At Sargento, we respect your concerns about privacy and value the relationship that we have with you.

Like many companies, we use technology on our website to collect information that helps us enhance your experience and our products and services. The cookies, pixels, cross-device tracking and analytics tools and similar technologies (collectively “cookies”) that we use at Sargento allow our website to work and help us to understand what information and advertising is most useful to visitors. Please review our Privacy Policy for details on how we use cookies and for what purpose.

There are many ways to change (i.e. control or delete) your cookies:

Control via your browser settings

Most internet browsers are initially set up to automatically accept cookies. If you do not want our website to store cookies on your device, you can change your browser settings so that you receive a warning before certain cookies are stored. You can also adjust your settings so that your browser refuses most of our cookies or only certain cookies from third parties. You can also delete the cookies that have already been stored.

If you disable the cookies that we use, this may impact your experience while on the Sargento website, as cookies allow you to take advantage of all the features.

If you use different devices to view and access the Sargento website (e.g., your computer, smartphone, tablet) you will need to ensure that each browser on each device is adjusted to suit your cookie preferences.

The procedures for changing your settings and cookies differ from browser to browser. If necessary, use the help function on your browser or the user manual for your browser.

Please contact with any questions.